WideSign Privacy & Cookies

We don't collect data,

track your movements

or drop cookies on your machine without consent.

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Privacy policy

Who we are

Our website address is: https://widesign.co.uk

Who we share your data with

If you request a login for admin or guest purposes, we may ask for your email to send you the details around logging in. We don't store your email for any marketing purposes or share it with any third parties.

How long we retain your data

We don't retain data on you at Widesign.

Third parties

If you have hosting with us and use the control panels for managing you hosting or email or use the 'domain name finder tool these site will likely use cookies. You are encouraged to check their privacy policy and cookie policy if using such services.

Cookie policy

Cookies - General

Cookies are very small text files that are stored on your computer when you visit a website. We use a few cookies for a to enhance your online experience on our website (for example, to remember your account login details).

You can change your preferences and decline certain types of cookies to be stored on your computer while browsing our website. You can also remove any cookies already stored on your computer, but keep in mind that deleting cookies may prevent you from using parts of our website. See the cookie preferences in the footer to change your settings.


If you log in as admin or guest we will drop a small cookie (wsat) to remember who you are and what your role is. This allows you to accesss roles based privileges on the website. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you logout of the website otherwise the cookies will last for one year.


If you accept our cookie policy 'Google Analytics' cookies at set to help us monitor website usage and behaviour.


We will update this policy periodically if we implement any further tracking that adds cookies to you machine to keep you informed. Any queries please email.